Custom Hearing Protection FAQs

Custom Hearing Protection FAQs

All information is general in nature and should not be considered legal advice.

  • What areas do you serve?

    Our custom hearing protection services are available across the country. Reach out for more details!

  • Can I make the ear impressions myself?

    At this point either one of our trained technicians or a trained individual from your facility needs to be onsite to take the impressions. However, there are programs in development for self-measurement of the ear - stay in touch as this is an exciting, rapidly developing field!

  • How long will it take to receive the hearing protection?

    Our shipping times can take anywhere from a few days to 6 weeks, depending on the lab and type of device ordered.

  • Is custom hearing protection more expensive?

    We have custom hearing protection options that can be guaranteed for as long as 6 years - ROI will be realized in as little as 18 months. 

    Over time, our custom hearing protection costs 50% less than disposable hearing protection.

  • What are the benefits of custom hearing protection?

    There's quite a few! Visit here to find out more details. 

    a) comfort - worn all day long

    b) compliance - ANSI certified filters

    c) communication - either face to face, or with integrated systems

    d) convenience - easy to insert & maintain

    e) clean & green - reduce waste compared to disposable protection

    f) cost-effective - guaranteed life span

  • Can the custom hearing protection connect to radio/bluetooth?

    For teams that need to communicate, our connection options include:

    - Radio

    - Bluetooth

    - Tubes

    - Passive filtering (this works with no battery, no wires, no charging - find out more)

    - and more

  • How much noise does the hearing protection block out?

    Our options have a wide range of attenuation ratings, from 3 to 33 NRR. Attenuation varies by the material, what type of filter is selected, communication needs, and more.

    Your goal as an employer is not to achieve 100% blockage. Your goal is to achieve 100% usage - the best way to protect your employees' hearing.

    Why not 100% blockage? You wouldn't expect a vehicle driver to wear welding goggles to protect against the sun - that's overprotection, and causes more harm than good.

    Reach out to our specialists today to discover what's best for your team

  • How long do they last for?

    Some of our hearing protection options are guaranteed to be effective for 6 years, but this can be extended for 10 years with fit-testing.  This means you don't need to replace them as often as you need to replace other custom hearing protection. 

    However, they typically last even longer than that - proper care and cleaning can mean they last past the point where the ear anatomy changes shape.

  • Can they be worn with dual hearing protection?

    Yes - our custom hearing protection is designed to allow employees in extremely noisy environments to wear them under earmuffs. 

    Ask our specialists about compounding attenuations

  • Are they safe for the food industry?

    Yes - our options include food industry qualified offerings

    - detectable metal piece ensures they can be identified

    - dark blue to increase visibility (inquire about other colors)

    - polyurethane cord instead of braided nylon for enhanced sanitation


Other Custom Hearing Protection Questions?

Our 30+ years of experience in the Pacific Northwest is at your fingertips. Questions about local OSHA regulations? Hearing testing best practices? Hearing protection guidelines?Need to catch up from your testing event? Reach out today!


Mobile Hearing Testing



Custom Hearing Protection



Hearing Conservation

Services FAQs


Washington Hearing

Conservation Services

Washington has unique requirements when it comes to hearing conservation - ensure you're staying complaint with your local regulations.

Learn more

Oregon Hearing

Conservation Services

Like Washington, Oregon also has unique requirements when it comes to hearing conservation - stay compliant with local regulations.

Learn more


Noise Standards

Hearing conservation regulations don't only vary at the state level - different regulatory agencies also have different regulations.

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Learn more about the difference between what NIOSH recommend for best practices, and what OSHA enforces as a regulation.

Read more
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