Get peace of mind with Anadyne's monthly testing program.
If your company is having difficulty ensuring that all new hires receive their baseline hearing tests in an efficient manner, you may want to consider setting up a management program. Our management program helps streamline the process and ensure that all tests are completed within a reasonable time frame.
For example, if your company has 250 employees with multiple different shifts, it may be difficult to get all hearing tests completed in one week. However, a management program can help to make this process more efficient by giving you an organized system for scheduling regular monthly hearing tests.
We structure our program to make sure that hearing tests are conducted once a month, as part of the normal workflow. This helps ensure that employees and supervisors are less stressed out when it comes to these tests, as they become an expected part of their routine.
We're committed to helping businesses create a safe, healthy workplace environment by providing high-quality hearing testing services. With our program, hearing tests can be conducted with ease and efficiency to ensure a healthy work environment for everyone.
Contact an Anadyne rep today to get started.