Does Your Hearing Conservation Program Have a Wellness Group?
Have you considered including employees not frequently exposed to high noise levels when conducting hearing tests?
An employee benefit measure is to test all employees as part of your hearing conservation program, regardless of their noise exposure. However, doing this can result in the false identification of Standard Threshold Shifts (STSs). This issue can occur when testing employees who do not work in noisy environments but whose responses on test day are affected by other factors such as a cold, wax, ear infection, etc.
If you want to test employees in both noisy and quieter work environments and prevent false flags or recordable STSs, Anadyne offers a comprehensive Wellness Group Program.
We provide accurate and targeted reports for employees in both loud and quiet work environments, which can prevent "false flag" reports.
To explore the implementation of our Wellness Group Program at your company, get in touch with Anadyne by emailing or call the phone number listed below.
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