Earmuffs are a type of Personal Hearing Protection Device, similar to disposable earplugs and molded earplugs (PDHP). Earmuffs, unlike earplugs, are worn over the ears and are attached by a headband that goes over the top of the head. They shield the user's ears by covering them with two shells that block out the ambient noise. The following are some of the benefits of this form of hearing protection:
- Simple to use: provides immediate protection with no visible risks.
Reusable and even shareable if properly cleaned: In the office, the same set of earmuffs can be shared among employees.
- Affordable: Earmuffs can range in price from $15 to $60 per pair, although certain types can cost several hundred dollars.
- Earmuffs generally muffle between 26dB(A) and 35dB(A) of sound (A).
With benefits like these, it's simple to see why ear muffs are used by so many individuals for all types of work in noisy situations, whether for professional (metallurgy, aviation, construction, etc.) or personal reasons (gardening, DIY, concerts, etc.).
While it is indisputable that this form of Personal Hearing Protection Device is adequate for a specific purpose, the limitations of earmuffs become apparent when noise protection is needed throughout the workday without restriction.
Let's look at three main characteristics that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must have in order to be accepted and used effectively by your employees: comfort, communication, and adaptability.
Are Ear Muffs a Good Fit?
Employees will not wear PPE that is uncomfortable for the entire day at work. If an employee is uncomfortable while wearing hearing protection, they will be inclined to take it off. Because a PHPD that is not worn 100 percent of the time when exposed to noise is ineffective, the risk of hearing loss is greatly enhanced.
Earmuffs begin to show their limitations in terms of comfort.
Earmuffs' weight
A passive noise-canceling headset weighs between 200 and 600 grams, depending on the level of attenuation it provides. It is made largely of stainless steel, PVC, and other durable materials. Indeed, the higher the attenuation, the more foam or liquid is required for insulation, resulting in increased weight. This weight may appear insignificant for a one-time, short-term use, but towards the conclusion of an 8-hour workday, it becomes far less so.
Because of this embedded technology, the so-called "active" anti-noise helmets, which have one or more microphones installed on the shells to amplify or reduce the ambient noise in real-time, are heavier. When you add another microphone, batteries, and other accessories to converse in noise, their weight increases even more.
A fragile balance between insulation and compression
To protect effectively from a noisy environment, an earmuff must exert constant pressure on the ears of the wearer to create a permanent seal. Indeed, the slightest leakage significantly reduces the effectiveness of the protection, thereby increasing the risk of hearing loss. This is why wearing earmuffs over a hat is not recommended.
Because of this permanent seal, a feeling of pressure can often be felt after several hours of use. This uncomfortable sensation may cause the user to remove the headset for relief, again posing a risk to hearing.
Ear muffs in extreme conditions
The use of ear muffs is often associated with extreme noise conditions. Indeed, it is the only protection that can be used as a second layer of insulation in cases where double hearing protection is necessary, i.e. when a single type of PHPD does not allow attenuation to fall below the threshold of 80 dB (A).
When worn in hot conditions, earmuffs negatively affect the comfort of the wearer. The pressure exerted by the pads on the ears leads to sweating and heat that make ongoing wear difficult.
Communication in a noisy environment
Another important consideration when choosing a Personal Hearing Protection Device that is most suited to your employees' needs is their capacity to communicate in noisy surroundings.
The necessity to communicate despite the high attenuation
Earmuffs often reduce sound levels by 26 to 35 decibels (A), making them ideal for noisy environments. It is impossible to communicate without removing the ear protector in certain circumstances.
According to a member of a French law enforcement unit who wore noise-canceling headphones before switching to Cotral Lab molded plugs, not wearing hearing protection, even for a short time, can have major effects for hearing:
“During our firing range sessions, we equipped ourselves with anti-noise helmets to protect us, but there are often problems due to a shot at the wrong time. [...] During an exercise, a grenade exploded and since then, I have suffered from permanent tinnitus.”
PHPDs aren't all created equal when it comes to communication.
Giving your employees the same type of PHPD is like giving them all the same size safety shoes: just a few people will be satisfied. Hearing protectors must be compatible with your employees' specific needs in order for them to be accepted and worn.
Ability to adapt to a noisy environment
Using a PHPD with too high an attenuation compared to the ambient noise can protect the employee from dangerous noise while also isolating him or her from sounds that are necessary for safety, such as fire alarms, approaching trucks, and the machinery on which he or she works.
It's crucial to know how much noise your employees are exposed to before selecting the finest PHPD to protect them.
Compatibility with other personal protective equipment
Although there are theoretical options for combining Personal Protective Equipment, compatibility of earmuffs and other PPE can be troublesome in practice, depending on the combination of items required (noise-canceling headphones + safety goggles, helmet + headband + mask, etc.). When safety glasses are worn with an earmuff, the seal between the earmuff and the side of the face is broken, reducing the earmuff's effectiveness. The level of protection achieved will be significantly lower than what the user believes they are getting. A class 5 earmuff can be reduced to a class 3 earmuff using this method.
Comfort during lengthy usage must be addressed in all circumstances, especially when used in conjunction with other forms of PPE worn by your staff.
Earmuffs can be a viable solution for infrequent use or under harsh conditions where communication is not critical, and are preferable to disposable earplugs because of their ease of use. On the other hand, another sort of PHPD is highly recommended for everyday use where communication is a deciding element.