Quanta Industrial Hearing Testing

Quanta Industrial Hearing Testing Experience

Our flagship mobile hearing testing program has benefits for all involved - the safety teams, production managers, and employees who make it happen.


Boothless Industrial Hearing Testing: Workplace Benefits

Testing of any kind carries the thought of failure, and most employees approach their annual hearing test with apprehension. But this doesn't need to be worsened by the environment the test is conducted in.

Private, one-on-one hearing test

Employee's focus better in a one-on-one hearing testing session, ensuring more accurate responses and reduced hearing STS's.

Compliance with privacy laws is also upheld, as opposed to discussing hearing test results & concerns in a large group.

Less noise interference

Hearing testing is done away from motor traffic, while a private hearing testing environment also helps reduce the potential for outside noise interference.

More accurate hearing test results

A one-on-one experience also allows our CAOHC certified technicians to ensure the hearing test results are accurate through a variety of validations, including immediate retesting if responses are abnormal or a hearing STS has occured.


Industrial Hearing Testing Services

Not sure if Quanta is right for you? It's not our only option. We recognize that every business and even every plant has unique needs, and we want to provide what's right for you. Contact us today to learn more about our other annual hearing testing options!

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